Responsible for the site and its content:
King Racing
11 Cockhall Close
Hertfordshire SG8 0RB
Phone: +44 (0) 1763 853985
Fax: +44 (0) 1763 852707
Photographs by:
Ivan Sansom, Tog, Sharkman, Stefan Boman, Rose Hughes, Mark Gredzinski, Dick Parnham,
Dirk Behlau, Steven Moxley, Bill Sly, Anni and Bob Valders, and Ian Turboville.
If you believe that any of our photos are your's and we do not have permission to use them on this website, then please let us know. If you are happy for us to use them, but you have not been credited with them please also let us know.
FIM drag racing, 2019:
24th-27th May:
FIA/FIM Main Event, Santa Pod Raceway, UK
6th-9th June:
Tierp Internationals, Tierp Arena, Sweden
5th-7th July:
FHRA Nitro Nationals, Kauhava, Finland
16th-18th August:
NitrOlympX, Hockenheim, Germany
5th-8th September:
FIA/FIM Euro Finals, Santa Pod Raceway, UK